Jump to Faculty, Post-Docs, PhD students, Master students, Project staff, Junior research fellow, Alumni.
PhD Student
Co-guide: Dr. Varadhan SKM(IIT Madras)
email: am20d600@smail.iitm.ac.in
URL: sites.google/Monisha-Yuvaraj
PhD Student
Co-guide: Dr. Sujatha Srinivasan(IIT Madras)
email: neelakshi5597@gmail.com
PhD Student
Co-guide: Dr. Varadhan SKM(IIT Madras)
email: parvathyn8@gmail.com
URL: linkedin/Parvathy-N
PhD Student
Co-guide: Dr. Varadhan SKM(IIT Madras)
email: charlesjeba.96@gmail.com
URL: linkedin/Charles-Jebaraj
PhD Student
Co-guide: Dr. Varadhan SKM(IIT Madras)
email: am23d602@smail.iitm.ac.in
Project Associate
email: Sujith.christopher52@gmail.com
URL: https://sujithchristopher.github.io/
Senior Research Fellow
email: bkdiwakar34@gmail.com
URL: linkedin/Diwakar-Reddy
Senior Research Fellow
email: achu.vinod@cmcvellore.ac.in
URL: linkedin/achu-vinod-thomas
Shilpa Kodayath, MS Bioengg., CMC Vellore, 2014-2016
Sandeep Guguloth, MS Mech. Engg., IIT Madras, 2016-2018
PhD scholar, West Virginia University, USA
Ramakrishnan R, MS Bioengg., CMC Vellore, 2016-2018
Design Engineer, Milacron India
Timoth Dev, MS Bioengg., CMC Vellore, 2018-2020
Lead Data Scientist, Precision Healthcare
Naveen Prasad, MS Bioengg., CMC Vellore, 2018-2020
PhD Scholar, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Monika Rajakumari, MS Bioengg., CMC Vellore, 2019-2021
Research Assistant in RIMHS, University of Sharjah
Tanya Subhash, MS Bioengg., CMC Vellore, 2019-2021
PhD Scholar, University of Southern California, USA
URL: linkedin/Tanya_Subhash
Sathish B, MS Bioengg., CMC Vellore, 2019-2021
Product lead and QA officer, Thryv Rehab Solutions
URL: linkedin/Sathish_B
Samuel Elias, MS Bioengg, CMC Vellore, 2021-2023
Quality Control Officer, Thryv Rehab Solutions
URL: linkedin/Samuel_Elias
Dyan, MS Bioengg, CMC Vellore, 2021-2023
Design Engineer, Kozhnosys, Pune
Blessed Joshua A, MS Bioengg, CMC Vellore, 2021-2023
Dr. Ann David
Chief Technical Officer, Thryv Rehab Solutions
URL: linkedin/Ann-David
Dr. Aravind Nehrujee
Post Doctorial Researcher, Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, USA
URL: linkedin/Aravind-Nehrujee